How working as a part-time developer made me a better technical writer

9 minute read

Today, I’m going to tell you about how I gained real-world software development experience while working as a technical writer. The question of how much coding expertise a software technical writer should possess is an ongoing topic of debate, and I personally believe that the answer depends on a lot of factors. In this post, I will share my experience as a part-time developer and explore how this journey has influenced my career as a technical communicator.

I’ll begin with some context. I already had a fair amount of professional writing experience when I began as a technical writer, but I had very little experience coding. About one year into my first technical writing position, I dedicated myself to learning Python, coding for about an hour each morning before starting my workday. After spending several months on the basics, I challenged myself to automate various documentation tasks, such as making repetitive edits to large reference topics. What began as a way to improve my skills as a technical writer evolved into a love of coding.

Working as a part-time developer

After about six months of basic coding practice, I initiated conversations with various engineering leads about how to progress further as a developer. An engineering manager offered the following opportunity on one of the products that I documented.

The plan

I could onboard as a developer and spend a small amount of my time each day working on bugs in the development backlog. I would work only on non-urgent tasks, aiding the development team by clearing away old issues, benefiting myself by gaining more experience, and helping the documentation team by making myself into a more effective writer and collaborator. I discussed the proposal with my boss, and she agreed – on the condition that it did not affect my productivity as a technical writer.

Working from home, I spent about 90 minutes each day coding before work. And with any time remaining at the end of my workday, I would return to my development tasks. Determined to work through the problems that I encountered as a developer, I was motivated to complete my writing assignments quickly so that I could revisit the coding challenges that I faced.

The work

Here are some of the issues I worked on in my first six months:

  • Removed unused API endpoints
  • Introduced context into RethinkDB functions
  • Replaced string-typed context keys with unique types
  • Fixed an endpoint that was returning the wrong HTTP error
  • Improved logging in various CLI subcommands
  • Fixed broken links in the product UI

Of all these experiences, the most helpful thing was learning how to navigate an extremely large code base in my editor. Once I had these experiences under my belt, I was prepared to take on something larger. First, I had the opportunity to work on a telemetry feature for a tool that customers used to migrate between versions of the product. Next, I worked on a similar but much larger feature that exposed key product metrics for a Prometheus server to scrape. In both cases, I was supported by senior developers who offered their help when I got stuck.

While the bug fixes and telemetry feature were low priority and I could take them at my own pace, the Prometheus metrics feature got pulled into a major release vehicle, thus taking on greater importance and urgency. This was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it meant that I had to plan much more carefully so as not to interfere with my writing responsibilities. This was stressful, and honestly not something that I would recommend. But on the other hand, it meant that I was given a lot more support, and by working closely with a senior developer, I learned at a much quicker pace.

What I learned

At this point, I want to note that for the majority of the time I worked as a part-time developer, I aspired to transition into a software engineering role. Eventually, I changed my mind, but I bring this up because I want to acknowledge that it would have been difficult to remain motivated if I did not possess this goal. Given the nature of this post, I’ll focus on how this experience has helped me as a technical communicator. I’m now able to:

  • Generate code samples
  • Proofread code samples
  • Write scripts to automate various documentation tasks
  • Better understand the language of developers and the software I write about
  • Read and understand a codebase
  • Edit text within a user interface
  • Read logs and error messages
  • Improve logging within a codebase
  • Open PRs against a codebase
  • Participate in the PR review process
  • Understand PRDs and design documents
  • Work with CI/CD pipelines
  • Use advanced command-line techniques
  • Find my way around Kubernetes deployments
  • Use environment variables
  • SSH into other machines

Some of these items have explicitly improved my writing, while most of them make me more resourceful. This greater resourcefulness aids with the many non-writing tasks that technical writers are responsible for.

There are three additional benefits that I want to explore in greater detail.

Different paces

Working as a developer, I gained an appreciation for the different paces at which technical writing and development proceed. Unlike with writing, I found that when working on code I ran into difficulties at every step. And I discovered that it takes a long time to figure out each problem. This observation is relevant to technical writing for two reasons:

First, if you’re a writer aiming to enhance your technical proficiency, it’s important not to be discouraged when you find yourself programming at a considerably slower pace than you are accustomed. And I don’t mean just in the beginning. I am of the opinion that programming work is simply a slower process than writing. While it is true that you will get faster at resolving issues as you learn, the nature of software development is such that you will encounter roadblocks at nearly every turn. Knowing this, you should not judge your coding acumen relative to the pace with which you are used to writing text.

This observation also engenders an important piece of empathy. The SMEs with whom we work often do not know the answers to the questions we ask them, but in fact need to research and tinker to give us the feedback that we need. While it is true that they have more context, thus making the process considerably faster for them, there is nothing inherent to writing that should exempt us from this activity. If we slow down and do more of the research and tinkering ourselves, we will get a better sense of the questions that we can answer on our own. This will lighten the research burden on our SMEs and garner important goodwill along the way.

Exposure to the process

Another way that working as a developer has benefited my writing is through exposure to every part of the development process. From the design phase, on through implementation, followed by testing and QA, I observed where writers can be involved in the process and make meaningful contributions. When PRDs and design documents are created, technical writers can open documentation tickets and begin scoping their work. When the implementation work ensues, writers can attend standups and stay in the loop as the features evolve. And then, in anticipation of testing, writers can draft their documentation for early use by the testing team, and benefit from the feedback that testers are likely to share. Admittedly, you don’t really need to work as a developer to get involved at all these stages, but in my own experience, working as a developer helped me to better understand the entirety of the process.

Deploying and testing

The last benefit that I will mention comes from testing the code changes that I made as a developer. When you make a change to your software, you don’t simply interact with the product code base. You also deploy and test the changes on your local machine, and it’s often not an easy task. In my experience, this can be more challenging than working in the codebase itself. Learning how to do this will benefit your writing because this is precisely what you need to do in order to test whether your documentation is accurate and complete.

This is one of the most important skills I gained while working as a part-time developer. Through learning to deploy and test my software changes, I was able to spin up a technical preview and check whether my documentation mapped onto the reality of the product. Sometimes there are gaps in the information that we receive from our SMEs. What better way to figure out what those gaps are than to test your documentation and discover for yourself what it is missing? As technical writers armed with the ability to test the software ourselves, we can better advocate for our users by identifying the information that our documentation lacks.

Looking forward

Working as a part-time developer has aided my work as a technical writer, and I suspect that it has given my career a boost as well. It is difficult to know for sure, but I recently changed jobs, and I think that having development work on my resume helped me to stand out and ultimately aided in securing my new role.

With so many recent layoffs, I’m sure that I was up against many candidates with more than my four years of technical writing experience. Considering the challenges in the job market for technical writers, I was fortunate to secure interviews and a new position at a reputable company relatively quickly. Furthermore, a number of my interviewers expressed a strong interest in my development experience.

Another benefit to my career is that I now consider a wider variety of opportunities available to me in the future. The traditional technical writing career path is a very straightforward and linear one. The available job titles are pretty much Junior through Staff or Principal Technical Writer, and possibly Documentation Team Lead or Manager. Now that I posses some development experience, I feel that I can also consider roles such as Programmer Writer, API Technical Writer, Developer Advocate, and Software Developer. Given all the uncertainty around the future of jobs, having these additional options brings me a greater sense of security.

One last thing that I will say about my work as a part-time developer is that it has helped me to feel more confident in my role. When I first started as a technical writer, I felt somewhat out of place. Seemingly everyone around me could speak the language of scripting, development, and cloud operations. Working as a developer, I learned to communicate in the same language as my colleagues. This helps my writing, but it also helps me to feel greater confidence at work. And feeling more confident, I am happier overall as well. Spending some time as a developer has been extremely beneficial to me in numerous ways.

I think that this post would be incomplete without acknowledging that not everyone will have time in their busy schedules to take on such a project as this and not every company will be willing to extend such an opportunity. Moreover, I believe that technical proficiency is only one among many different strengths that writers can foster to excel in their roles. Diving deeply into development work is not for everybody, and I don’t think it’s essential to becoming an excellent technical writer. But for me, the experience I’ve shared here unfolded in a way that has proven to be very beneficial, and I wanted to share it in the hope that others may find value in it as well.

If you’re a technical writer who is looking to gain experience as a developer, I hope that this post has given you some insight into what this experience could entail.
